Friday, September 27, 2013

The video shows how materials can be recycled by putting things in their correct bins. Like metals, cardboard and pther things can be together. But glass must be separate. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Differences

The difference between me last year and this year is that now I am finally drawing more mature artwork. To where last year I drew only fantasy wovles and sprites of my FCs but now that I have upgraded my membership on dA I can make more mature content artwork. No, this doesn't mean I will be drawing porn for people, it means I can go further into my book series. So I am happy about that...and I finally reunited with my girlfriend Izzy in Illnois. We skype so I should be in a happier mood, which I am ^.^


Friday, September 20, 2013

Game Design

Game Design at my school is fun, because we actually work with computers. Even if they are old looking but still better than to learn about a computer but never really get a hands-on teaching. But anyways my teacher Ms.Shullar is fun and nice but once in a while she can get serious, but you have to respect her she is really nice to me. And thats Game Design to me.


My Character

                                                           My Character
This is my character Blade "Okami" Firewolf. He is the king of flames and the god of anger. He is friendlys but when he is mad he can be an emo wolf who kills. One time he killed his wife because he didn't want to kill the children. But do to the fact he loved her so much, he didn't and he was saden for his action so he promised to never harm a thing for as long as he lived. ( I know its not fancy but I will upload my stories later kk? )

Blade And His Wife Playing Around