Friday, December 13, 2013

My Hour(s) of Code Activity

I have done the tutorial of code on the website ( link: )
This is my screenshot of the first time I did it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Paper Prototyping

The problems it help me in my game was that how I am going to get the sandstorm moving? So I drew a light shade in the middle of the paper to simulate the sandstorm. And my teacher ( -_- ) helped me and said I could make a layer then make it go back and forth. Other than that, that is the only problem. And I hope my game will come out to be what I imagine. ( most likely not )

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hour Of Code

I recognized Dwight Howard, President Barack Obama, and Bill Gates. These role models were encouraging us to learn how to code because the worlds next new technology will be ran by mostly code. And if you know how to code you basically run the world. Learning about computer science is a benefit of my time because it will help in my future, because I want to be a game designer.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Game Background

In my game you are in Nevada on your way to Las Vegas. And there are some obstacles in your way to make it there safely. Elements like wind will make a sand storm which you'll have to navigate yourself through. And on the roads sometimes you'll have to go on the mountains and the edge rails are highly unstable so you'll have to be extremely cautious.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Game Scene

My game is going to be about safe driving. And some important things that I learned is that some high winds are powerful enough to flip a heavy car over to its side, and they don't have to be tornado speed winds. And that its safer to drive a tall skinny car like a Lamborghini, because of their aerodynamics is better than an average car. Make sure your fully rested at the wheel because driving while being sleepy is dangerous because you can swerve off the road and wreck.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

1st Game I played is Social Issues Game Of Brokeville and it was not fun and its incorrect! Well first of all I DO HAVE ENOUGH BECAUSE I HAVE $148 LEFT OVER!! And another thing I RATHER HAVE A MAINE LOBSTER ( For $20 ) THAN HAVE A FRICKING CAN OF TUNA ( for $2 )

2nd Game I played Dangers In Space and when I had to click the meteors and then the giant one came it says I crashed the meteor causing it to aviod which mean I killed the lives of the rocketship people.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The video shows how materials can be recycled by putting things in their correct bins. Like metals, cardboard and pther things can be together. But glass must be separate. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Differences

The difference between me last year and this year is that now I am finally drawing more mature artwork. To where last year I drew only fantasy wovles and sprites of my FCs but now that I have upgraded my membership on dA I can make more mature content artwork. No, this doesn't mean I will be drawing porn for people, it means I can go further into my book series. So I am happy about that...and I finally reunited with my girlfriend Izzy in Illnois. We skype so I should be in a happier mood, which I am ^.^


Friday, September 20, 2013

Game Design

Game Design at my school is fun, because we actually work with computers. Even if they are old looking but still better than to learn about a computer but never really get a hands-on teaching. But anyways my teacher Ms.Shullar is fun and nice but once in a while she can get serious, but you have to respect her she is really nice to me. And thats Game Design to me.


My Character

                                                           My Character
This is my character Blade "Okami" Firewolf. He is the king of flames and the god of anger. He is friendlys but when he is mad he can be an emo wolf who kills. One time he killed his wife because he didn't want to kill the children. But do to the fact he loved her so much, he didn't and he was saden for his action so he promised to never harm a thing for as long as he lived. ( I know its not fancy but I will upload my stories later kk? )

Blade And His Wife Playing Around